Children's Ministries
Children are special at Morningstar and we have many activities planned throughout the year in addition to our regular Sunday School Offerings for all ages.
SUNDAY SCHOOL At Morningstar, we take an exciting new approach to Sunday School! Preschool (3years-K) Elementary (1st-3rd) Tweens ( 4th-6th) Time is 10:10 - 10:50AM each Sunday morning. CHILDREN'S CHURCH Three, four and five year old children may stay with their parents until Children's Church begins during each service. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES AND MISSIONS In addition to weekly activities during worship and Sunday School, Morningstar's kids have special activities throughout the year, from attending Vacation Bible School (VBS) to creating crafts to give away to local senior community centers. In addition to on-campus activities, our little ones also go on field trips into the mission field to help serve others, establishing a sense of service to others at a young age. NURSERY Let's not forget our smallest ones! Babies and toddlers are welcome to attend our Nursery - which practices and meets all safe sanctuary requirements. In addition to a staff member, our loving volunteer church members spend time playing, crafting, and singing with all little ones for an engaging experience. Parents can rest assured and enjoy worship knowing their precious ones are being loved in a Christian environment. |